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Space, NASA greenlights Italy-led MPH lunar module

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) has recently completed the Mission Definition Review under the MPH (Multi Purpose Habitation module) project: the home base on the lunar surface, developed under Italian leadership, and part of the collaboration with NASA within the Artemis programme, which is leading human exploration on the Moon.

Developed by Thales Alenia Space in their laboratories located in Turin, with contribution by Altec that will be responsible for all Earth-controlled operations, MPH will be a “home” to the astronauts who will fly to the Moon.

The successful review conducted by ASI under the expert eyes of Nasa staff marks the next step for the final review of the module scheduled to take place in Washington in September. This step will start the process of inclusion of the Italian Habitat module in the final architecture of the future lunar programme, a goal that, when reached, will confirm the Italian skills as well as the full maturity of the project.

Teodoro Valente, President of ASI, has highlighted that this recognition by NASA offers Italy and ‘Made in Italy’ the opportunity to be protagonists of the human settlement on the Moon.