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Research and innovation just a click away

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European Research Area, European Commission started to analyse the outcomes

The European Commission has recently launched a public consultation to collect the feedback of Research and Innovation (R&I) stakeholders on the implementation of the actions of the new European Research Area (ERA), launched in 2000 and confirmed in 2020, to assess the outcomes achieved and the lessons learned.

The initiative aims at consolidating the achievements obtained, at identifying the challenges still open and at defining next steps to further strengthen scientific cooperation among Member States. The contributions collected will be used to prepare a new Communication of ERA which will analyse the advances made and the future challenges, in order to define the actions to be implemented in the years to come.

To participate in the public consultation, it is necessary to register or to access the European Commission website and to submit your contributions before midnight on 30 September 2024.

The implementation of the new European Research Area is built around the following four priorities identified in the2020 Communication:

  • prioritizing R&I investments and reforms;
  • improving access to excellence;
  • transferring results to the economy;
  • deepening the ERA.