Bringing young people closer to aerospace culture and new technologies in a compelling way showing them the perspectives and opportunities linked to this sector, is the objective of the 2023 edition of Space Dream.
The initiative, organized by the National Aerospace Technology Cluster (CTNA) with the support of Leonardo and Thales Alenia Space Italy, is addressed to students attending primary or secondary schools. Participation has also been extended to associations involved in supporting children in their studies.
Through engaging challenges and missions, girls and boys will have the opportunity to experience an extraordinary adventure at school, discovering the planets together with their classmates. Among the various activities, they will be able to design housing modules, build rovers or imagine life on lunar soil. To face these ambitious challenges with adequate preparation, young participants will have a wide range of teaching materials, documents and insights at their disposal.
To take part in the activities, each class will need to be registered to the www.ctna-spacedream.it platform by the designated teacher who will set up teams made of 3-5 students and coordinated by a girl, in order to encourage greater gender inclusiveness in the field of science.
The resulting projects shall be submitted by 30 April 2023. Among them, the best two for each age group will be selected and the winners will be awarded during a face-to-face event that will be also live streamed in June.
Implemented in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome, this initiative also relies on the scientific contribution of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), AstroEdu, the National Research Council (CNR), the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) as well as the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and on the cooperation of Edulia Treccani Scuola, which has created and manages the dedicated website.