There is time until 7 October 2024 to apply for a call for research and development services concerning the “implementation of innovative applications and services for the development of space downstream having commercial potential, with benefit for Southern Italy” launched by the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
The call is addressed to innovative companies working in the space sector which use Earth Observation (EO) data, also combined with services of Telecommunication (TLC) and Navigation (NAV) and Positioning satellite systems and, if needed, integrated with non-space data and services, primarily for the development of the Italian downstream sector.
In particular, the call is open to micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises; start-ups; large enterprises; research organizations, universities or university departments or public and private research institutes.
The proposed projects can aim to:
- encourage the development of software applications and services, mainly of commercial nature, based on the use of satellite data benefitting citizens and companies also in other sectors;
- develop the entrepreneurial context related to space downstream, mainly by promoting the development of the ecosystem of space companies located in Southern Italy or which generate benefits for Sothern Italy;
- support R&D service activities and growth of innovative companies (start-ups and SMEs) having commercial potential in Space Economy.
It is possible to ask for clarifications about the call until 22 September 2024.
The call text and attachments are available on the ASI website here.