The 2022 Joint Call of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership, co-funded by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe Partnership is now open.
CETPartnership aims to empower the energy transition towards clean energy and contribute to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
The CETPartnership objectives are:
- Fuel Europe’s pathway towards the clean energy transition by coordinating, pooling and strengthening regional, national and international research and innovation funding programmes;
- Accelerate clean energy technology development and transition to the widely decarbonized energy systems through demonstration, innovation in technology development, and integration and system change;
- Build an innovation ecosystem that fosters capacity building at all governance and actor levels, faster market diffusion, upscaling and replication thus enabling of the clean energy transition.
Research consortia submitting applications must include partners from at least 3 countries in the scope of the initiative (with at least two Member States or countries associated to Horizon Europe), from universities, companies, industry organisations, local/regional governments, research organisations and NGOs. Each partner shall meet eligibility criteria and rules of their funding agency.
Italy participates with funds of over 20 million euro made available by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE).
The call is a two-stage call built around 11 Call modules, each one focusing on a specific topic or challenge to be included in the project proposal. Applicants must choose one Call module and evaluation and ranking of the project proposals will be performed separately per Call module
The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is 23 November 2022, while deadline for submitting full proposals for projects that have passed the first stage is 20 March 2023.
Further information on participation is available on the dedicated section of MUR Ricerca Internazionale website.