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Competition for secondary school students: Ci vuole il fisico!

Ci vuole il fisico! La fisica dello sport (It takes a physique! The physics of sport) is now open. The 18th edition of the competition was launched by the editorial staff of ScienzaPerTutti, of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).

The initiative is open to individuals or teams consisting of up to 4 students led by a teacher and is addressed to all students attending eighth grade, or high school biennium or triennium.

Moving from the principle that science is also applied to sports, for example in the pirouette of an ice skater or the vaulting of a gymnast, students are asked to describe the physics behind an athletic gesture that characterises their favourite sport activity. Moreover, students attending high school triennium are invited to imagine and describe how different that sport would be if played on the moon, underwater or in a different environment, so that they invent a brand-new sport.

The outcome will be a video, an audio – up to maximum 5 minutes – or a short article that can be accompanied by images and graphics. The participants shall also produce a carousel, including the post text, and a story to promote their videos, podcasts or articles on Instagram.

Applications to the competition are free of charge and will be open until 24 February 2023, by filling out the registration form. Materials should be sent before 6 April 2023.

For the rules and flyer, please click on the respective links.

Ministry of University
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