The DARIAH-IT (Developing nAtional and Regional Infrastructural nodes of dAriaH in Italy) project, the Italian node of the European research infrastructure DARIAH-ERIC funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) under the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 with €13,469,000 and coordinated by the National Research Council (CNR), is significantly enhancing its technological infrastructure.
Under the supervision of the DARIAH.it national coordinator, Emiliano Degl’Innocenti, the project has implemented a federated network of 6 Data Centres located in some regions in the Centre and South of Italy (Catania, Lecce, Naples, Pisa, Rome and Sesto Fiorentino). This advanced infrastructure will allow researchers to manage, analyse and share digital data and resources more efficiently and effectively, thus paving the way to new perspectives in the field of human and social sciences. DARIAH-it will provide a crucial support to research in humanities and social sciences, by facilitating data management, analysis and sharing at the national and international level.