
20 Feb 2024


All Day

Consultation meeting on Wearable Technologies and Augmented Reality

On 20 February 2024, the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is organizing a consultation meeting of the national research community to discuss about wearable technologies and augmented reality that will be held at the agency headquarters in Via del Politecnico snc 00133 in Rome.

The meeting aims to raise interest in the use and scientific requirements for wearable and augmented reality devices to be used on the International Space Station (ISS) in astronauts’ activities during scientific missions. In addition to Lunar exploration in deep space, the use of these devices could be extended to biomedical and technological applications on Earth.

Attendance to the meeting is free of charge. For further details on the meeting, please click here.  To request information and clarifications, please write to [email protected]

The event is finished.