IdroGEO national platform on hydrogeological instability: data and services for the PA and businesses
The conference, which will take place in Rome on 30 May from 9.00 to 13.30, at Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana, will offer ISPRA the opportunity to present the state-of-the-art of data and services provided by the IdroGeo national platform. The meeting, organized within the Open Gov Week, is the occasion for gathering and discussing for decision makers, businesses, professors, universities and associations.
The platform, launched four years ago in May 2020, is an open-data, open-source, multilanguage web application for consultation, downloading and sharing of maps and data on landslide and flood hazard in Italy. Therefore, it represents an essential communication tool to disseminate information to support decision making for policies in the field of risk mitigation, territorial planning, preliminary design of infrastructures, planning of structural interventions for soil protection, management of hydrogeological emergency and environmental assessment.
During the event, new functions for dataconsultation and sharing will be presented, as well as risk indicators of landslide and flood hazard and the Italian landslide inventory.
Registration is available here.