From 15 to 20 September, students of the fourth and fifth year of some Italian high schools participated in a scientific retreat in Pecetto in Macugnana (VB), at the foot of Monte Rosa. The event allowed some young students to deep dive, in first person, radioactivity, related risks and applications in medical physics.
During the retreat, students, accompanied by their teachers, measured the impact of radioactivity in the mountain environment, attending a few seminars of glaciology and geology under supervision of alpine guides, health physics students and researchers of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).
The event is organized within the RadioLab Summer School project carried out by INFN and ISOradioLab, the spin off dedicated to schools of small islands, in collaboration with the Department of Physics of the University of Milan and PLS-Physics (Scientific Degree Course Plan) of the Federico II University of Naples.
INFN addresses these projects to secondary schools located across Italy in order to promote knowledge on this topic and its importance for health through experimental activities and direct measurements of natural radioactive gas radon-222.