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Research and innovation just a click away

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Scientific research, the “Farming Future” project launched by Federico II of Naples

Farming Future is the new project launched by the Federico II University of Naples, in partnership with CDP Venture Capital SGR and ToSeed S.r.l.. The project aims at funding scientific research carried out by Italian universities in the Agrifood sector, by supporting researchers to turn their research work into business initiatives by setting up academic spin-offs and innovative start-ups

Professors, researchers, PhD students and students involved in research activities, having a TRL of at least 3-4 years, can submit a research project to Farming Future and be assigned a grant for the development of a Proof Of Concept. The Federico II University project offers selected research teams mentoring and tech incubation services aimed to foster the setting up of new businesses

Although the “Farming Future” core is the Agrifood sector, project partners have chosen to adopt a very cross-disciplinary approach, offering the opportunity to promote also projects that are not strictly related to this area, but can have a significant impact in this sector.

The various research areas involved include:

  • Plant protection products and microbiology;
  • Robotics;
  • Engineering;
  • Sensing;
  • Innovative methods of soil treatment;
  • Upcycling technologies;
  • Nanomaterials and new materials

The collaboration of the university with the Farming Future project has a has a broad time horizon so that, at any time, it is possible to submit a project to the Third Mission and Technology Transfer office.

To submit an application – by sending a short presentation (4/5 slides) of the project – or to ask for more detailed information on the Farming Future project, please send an E-mail to the Third Mission and Technology Transfer office, at the following addresses:

Ministry of University
and Research