The IPERDRONE programme, entirely funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), aims to design and develop a vehicle capable of performing in-orbit operations preparatory to “in-orbit servicing” applications, including re-entry to Earth.
The programme includes several missions that will allow to progressively achieve a number of increasingly challenging objectives, from technology demonstration to asset inspection.
IPERDRONE.0 is a 6U nanosatellite developed by a collaboration of CIRA Sc.Pa, Tyvak International s.r.l. and Kayser Italia s.r.l., and is the first mission of the IPERDRONE programme. The nanosatellite goal is to perform proximity operations around a virtual point, altitude lowering within a predefined corridor (de-orbiting), and disposal.
IPERDRONE.0 has successfully completed all testing phases and has been integrated on the launcher that will take it to LEO orbit in July 2024.