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Support to research, University of Catania promotes a new research incentive plan

Pia.ce.ri, the University Research Incentive Plan for 2024-2026 supported by Unict, aims at consolidating and promoting technological and scientific innovation as well as enhancing the role of young researchers.
The Plan includes the following lines of intervention:

  • LINE 1 – Collaborative Research Projects: to support and encourage the development of department-specific scientific research strategies [link to the CALL, deadline 15 July 2024];
  • Starting Grants*: to support and encourage the role of fixed-term researchers of type B [Submission open with “a sportello” procedure – link to forms];
  • Open Access*: to support and encourage the publication of scientific papers in a format accessible for everyone [Submission open with “a sportello” procedure – link to forms];
  • Support the presentation of ERC proposals: this line of intervention includes the partial reimbursement of the costs incurred by the department for the purchase of external services to support the preparation of ERC projects. The overall budget allocated for the year 2024 is €170,000.
  • LINE 5 –Archaeological Missions : supports and encourages archaeological research and excavation activities in Italia and abroad. The overall budget allocated for the year 2024 is €120,000.

*For lines of intervention 3 and 4 “Starting Grant” and “Open Access”, the applications will be evaluated monthly by the Research Steering Committee.

Further information is available at: Piano Pia.ce.ri, Via Fragalà, 10 (3rd floor), 95131 – Catania

Ministry of University
and Research