On 29 March 2024, the Minister of University and Research (MUR), Anna Maria Bernini, signed the decree to release €10 million for national student mobility programmes that will start the next academic year 2024-2025.
In particular, the Fund includes up to €3 million for the year 2024 and €7 million for the year 2025 for students enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s and single-cycle courses who intend to participate in mobility programmes across the country based on agreements between universities. The maximum amount of each scholarship is €1000 per month and the duration of the programme is 3 to 6 months. To access the programme, students must have an annual Equivalent Economic Status Index (ISEE) below or equal to €36,000.
In order to release the funds, each university will open a selection procedure in order to identify the eligible students. Then, based on the applications received, the MUR will allocate the available funding to the applying universities that will be required to specify the following: the minimum number of academic credits (CFU) that the student must achieve during the national mobility period; the courses involved in the programme, and the maximum number of guest students who can be hosted.
“A new model of University is emerging. An Italian Erasmus besides the European one provides more opportunities of study opportunities, greater flexibility and increased offer of innovative programmes,” said Bernini recognizing that this programme of cultural contamination, exchange and sharing of ideas will guarantee a superior national academic education. “The Italian Erasmus aims at setting up innovative teaching programmes, which will promote an interdisciplinary and flexible academic offer, while strengthening integration and complementarity among Italian universities,” concluded the Minister.