The call for proposals for the trilateral research conferences 2023, promoted by Villa Vigoni – Italian-German centre for European dialogue – along with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), has been recently published.
The programme, which has plurilingualism as its guiding principle, aims at encouraging continuous dialogue and setting up networks of researchers from Italy, Germany and France in humanities and social sciences, with the specific goal of supporting the use of Italian, German and French as scientific languages. Each trilateral conference includes three meetings that will be held at Villa Vigoni on an annual basis.
Applications must be submitted by three researchers active in their respective countries and, in the case of young people who have obtained a PhD within no more than six years, this will be done following a simplified procedure compared to the standard one used by their structured colleagues. The deadline of the call for proposals is 30 April 2023. Further information and application form are available on the dedicated web page. The full list of projects funded under this programme since 2004 is available here.