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Research and innovation just a click away

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ResearchItaly is the research web magazine of the Ministry of University and Research, created with the aim of photographing, supporting and promoting Italian research of excellence


Innovation procurement: closing event before call launch

On Tuesday September 17, 2024, the public event for the closing of the market consultation for the tender “Development of Territorial Communities through the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage”, within the Smarter Italy programme of an overall value of €10 million will take place. During the event the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and the Digital Italy Agency (AgID) will present the essential elements of the tender process and will



Success stories


Research areas

The six major research and innovation areas of the National Research Program 2021-2027 reflect the six aggregations (clusters) of Horizon Europe, the European Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2021-27, and are consistent with the specificities of the national context and with the National Smart Specialization Strategy.


Humanistic Culture, Creativity, Social Transformations, Society of Inclusion

Security for social systems

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Environment

Digital, Industry, Aerospace

Climate, Energy, Sustainable Mobility

Sites of Interest